Thursday, December 13, 2007
Shrinking Pains?
Posted by Unknown at 12/13/2007 05:48:00 AM 2 comments
Labels: blog mergers, The Blog Blob
Monday, December 10, 2007
Technorati Ranking
Posted by Unknown at 12/10/2007 02:26:00 AM 4 comments
Labels: blog ranking, diversions, technorati
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Couldn't Agree More
Thanks to Ambrose Bierce and Doug for these gems. I stole the post directly from Doug. I hope he doesn't mind.
A transient, horrible, fantastic dream,
Wherein is nothing yet all things do seem:
From which we're wakened by a friendly nudge
Of our bedfellow Death, and cry: "O fudge!"
2007 Update: Rusted eternity.
"To be or not to be?" asked he,
Answered the Danish ghosts' lobby:
"Living is without holiday,
To the dead being is more of a hobby."
Posted by Unknown at 11/29/2007 03:17:00 AM 4 comments
Labels: Ambrose Bierce, Doug Pascover
Monday, November 26, 2007
Get To Know Your Beloved Author
• Birthplace: Colorado
• Current Residence: USA
• Eye Color: Green
• Hair Color: It's actually gray but it's been dyed burgundy. It's growing out right now.
• Righty or Lefty: righty.
• The Clothes you wore today: They are very sexy. Oatmeal sweats, white t-shirt with the logo of the place where I work. Too hot, Baby!
• The shoes you wore today: Brown crocs
• Your fears: I am a walking collection of phobias.
—————–WHAT IS——————
• Your most overused phrase: "I hate Google."
• Your thoughts first waking up: “Oh shit, do I have to?” I wish I was joking but I’m not.
• Your bedtime: Usually between 8 and 10 AM
—————–YOU PREFER——————
• Pepsi or coke: Both suck the wad! They give me horrible abdominal cramps.
• McDonald’s or Burger King: I like making fun of their mascots. Other than that, they're both bad for you and the food kinda sucks but it'll do in a pinch. McDonald's tends to give me the trots. You did want to know that right?
• Single or group dates: I like going out with friends
• Adidas or Nike: Whatever's comfortable and on sale
• Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
• Cappuccino or coffee: I need crappuccino for my bunghole!
————-DO (DID) YOU——————
• Smoke: Yes.
• Cuss: Fuck yeah!
• Take a shower everyday: No. Usually every other day. I'm usually too tired to do it every day. Want to smell my armpits?
• Want to go to college: Fuck no, but I am.
• Like high school: I liked cutting class and getting high
• Want to get married: Uh, no. Been there, done that refused to pay for the T-shirt
• Type fingers on the right keys?: Yup
• Believe in yourself: Depends on how hypomanic I am
• Get motion sickness: Holy crap yes. Give me the damn air sickness bag, Motherfucker!
• Think you’re attractive: If I'm hypomanic I think I'm not hideous. If I'm depressed I think I'm one ugly old witch.
• Think you’re a health freak: I probably should be more of one but no, I'm not. And it shows!
• Play an instrument: Several, all badly.
• Go to the mall: Fuck no!
• Eaten sushi: No way. I like my fish cooked!
• Been on stage: Yes
• Gone skating: Yes
• Made homemade cookies: I have, but these days I use those pre-made ones that you put in the oven however many you want at a time. They're good!
• Stolen anything: Your soul
————-HAVE YOU EVER——————
Flown on a plane: yes
Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: Yes. The most embarrassing time was when I was wasted on hallucinogens and called a classmate and told him I was in love with him.
Cried during a Movie? Oh fuck yeah.
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Oh holy shit yeah. Many a time. Not in the past 7 years, though. I have made a real ass of myself on more than one occasion. And have puked in a gutter and behind a seven eleven and woken up curled around a toilet. Just to name a few of my more glorious drunken episodes.
Been in a fight: A few times in my younger days and once with my ex-husband when we really weren't getting along.
—————-THE FUTURE——————
What do you want to do as a career if money was no object: Write, duh!
What country would you most like to visit?: Iraq sounds like a blast. But seriously, I've only been to Canada and Mexico. There are a number of places in Europe I'd like to visit. I could stay at your house!
—————– NUMBER OF—————–
• Number of people I could trust with my life: My son, my father, my brother and, believe it or not, my ex-husband. There are a few friends that I think I could. I would say that I could trust the spooky guy with my life, but he's dead. So he has kind of a different perspective on the whole life and death thing. I trust him not to sell my soul while I'm not looking.
• Number of CDs that I own: About 200
• Number of piercings: Pierced ears. I thought I was really rad when I pierced the left one twice. I was eighteen, give me a break!
• Number of tattoos: None yet. I've never had the money to justify it.
• Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? 5, I think
• Number of scars on my body: A few small ones, and one big one from my cesarean section.
• Number of things in my past that I regret: Too numerous to mention
—————-RIGHT NOW——————
• Wearing: Same thing I said earlier
• Drinking: Water with a little grape juice added for flavor
• Thinking about: I should quit fucking around and write something
• Listening to: "Sour Girl" by Stone Temple Pilots
———IN THE LAST 24 HRS——————
• Cried: No
• Worn jeans: No
• Met someone new online: No
• Done laundry: Yes.
• Drove a car: Yes
• Talked on the phone: No
Yourself: I already told ya, it depends on how hypomanic I am.
Your friends: Generally. It depends on how paranoid I am.
Santa Claus: Yes, and the fucker better bring me some good presents this year!
Destiny/Fate: To an extent. I believe we are given certain gifts at birth and we have karma to clear up. But we also make our own choices.
God: I believe in a creative force, multiple deities, angels and demons. I worship the creative force, multiple deities, and angels. I maintain a healthy level of respect for demons and try to avoid contact with them. There are forces that are best left unfucked with.
• Do you ever wish you had another name?: Well, I chose this one. I've never much liked my given name.
• Are you close to any family member?: Sometimes I think I am sometimes I don't. I'm actually reasonably close to my son but I try not to get too close because I don't want him to feel like I'm smothering him. When we were kids my brother and I were very close.
• When have you cried the most?: I've cried a lot over numerous things. Usually tragic things like a beloved pet or family member or friend dying. It's kind of personal to talk about it.
• What’s the best feeling in the world?: When something you worked really hard on gets the acclaim it fucking deserves! Like a book that you worked on for a bunch of years. AHEM!!!
• Worst Feeling?: 1) the horror of finding out someone you love has died.
• Book – I love the classic horror masters
• Least favorite smell – When one of the residents where I work has a big shitty accident.
• Favorite smell – A chocolate cake cooking--fuck! I just made myself hungry!
• Color – Blue and purple
• Least favorite color – that shitty mustard yellow
Posted by Unknown at 11/26/2007 01:30:00 AM 2 comments
Labels: oh shit it's a meme, time wasters
Monday, November 19, 2007
SAD and other Screwed Up Brain Things
Posted by Unknown at 11/19/2007 11:56:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: bipolar disorder, brain chemistry, depression, SAD, seasonal affective disorder
Sunday, November 18, 2007
My Report Card
Get a Cash Advance
A Letter from my School Daze:Dear Mrs. Strange,
We are concerned about Lily. She appears to actually be losing intelligence.
Ima Butthole
Netherworld High School Principal
Midterm Report, Fall 1982
Beavis and Butthead made me what I am today!
Posted by Unknown at 11/18/2007 01:11:00 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
The Fruitcake Club and Potential Story Contest
Posted by Unknown at 11/13/2007 10:35:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: creative crabbing, fruitcake, shameless plugs, story contests
Monday, November 5, 2007
You Could Be a Vampire... If You Had To |
![]() Like most people, the thought of being a vampire has crossed your mind. But you're not sure if you'd do it, even if you could. Living forever doesn't sound half bad, if you could live forever with the people you love the most. But do vampires even love? And would the vampire version of you even be you? It's all too much to contemplate. Luckily, the chances of you ever becoming a vampire are astronomically low. What you would like best about being a vampire: Living forever What you would like least about being a vampire: Blood stained teeth |
Posted by Unknown at 11/05/2007 11:53:00 PM 2 comments
Labels: blogthings
You Are 64% Open |
![]() You're a pretty open person - and you don't mind sharing the good, bad, and sometimes ugly. And while sometimes you do catch yourself blabbing on, you usually exhibit restraint. You're openness is quite refreshing, and it encourages other people to be open with you! |
I really have nothing to say right now, so I'm resorting to doing these things.
I've decided to make a blog strictly for sharing my readings. Now I have to start promoting the readings.
Posted by Unknown at 11/05/2007 11:53:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: blogthings, readings
Sunday, November 4, 2007
A Meme
1. Where would you live?
Pay close attention because you will never see this again. It's just that at this point the only people that read this shitty blog are people who know who I actually am. If the rest of the world knew it would just put them to sleep. You don't want to know, believe me.
2. What would your job be (or if unrealistic) what would you do all day?
A writer who would do tarot readings to supplement, but only if I had to.
3. Who would you spend your time with? Doing what?
Who else? This annoying ghost that makes me write stories with him!
4. What kind of holidays/vacations would you take?
I would go on a Curmudgeon's Cruise where I could sit back with those of a like mind and bitch about how stupid everything is while enjoying excellent seafood. One place we'd certainly make a stop is San Francisco where I would enjoy more excellent, cheap and fresh seafood. We'd invite a bunch of drag queens aboard to perform for us. And anytime we stopped by a port city known to be infested with stuffy people we'd all drop trou and hang a moon.
5. What luxury items would you own?
One of those little salt box cabins in Maine where I could visit Stephen King and we could try to scare the crap out of each other with horror stories told by the campfire. One of the drag queens could tape record it. I would also buy a Land Rover for each of my relatives because Land Rovers have excellent safety features. And I would own a black Corvette because it's fucking ostentatious as hell and thoroughly unneccessary yet very cool. And for once I'd actually have a decent sound system. And a computer that worked. And a house with a real skylight. And an actual bed. I'm sick of sleeping on this dilapidated couch. Don't ask.
6. What charities would you support or represent?
First, myself. Then the World Health Organization Mental Health And Substance Abuse Division, which is where half the profits from the book I wrote with the ghost who has intent to cook my major organs go to. Which is why more of you fuckers need to buy the book--to prevent more people like me from writing books! There is a shortage of straight jackets. Help WHO buy more! Or you'll be reading more from me...soon...
Posted by Unknown at 11/04/2007 04:05:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: oh shit it's a meme
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Science and Outrage
Posted by Unknown at 10/31/2007 10:20:00 PM 2 comments
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Posted by Unknown at 10/28/2007 05:21:00 AM 3 comments
Labels: channeled
Saturday, October 20, 2007
There actually is a plus side to being unpopular
My co-author did that a lot to himself in life. But he had no way of knowing that events triggered his unhealthy way of dealing with things. He was intelligent but in a strange way very sheltered at the same time. His ways of dealing with things struck most people as bizarre.
He (his protector personality, at any rate) was looking over my shoulder while I was doing this. When I decided to call it quits he said "so what they are saying is that I killed myself because of my fucked way of thinking?"
"Pretty much," I said.
He got extremely upset and if he were a physical being my wall would have a new hole. (I've punched a few in it in my time before I found my friend Lithium.)
"Shit!" he said.
There was something in the realization that he couldn't just be labeled "nuts." That's a bit too easy. The self hating ways of thinking aren't one's fault, they're learned through having to deal with bad situations and not having anything else to compare the thoughts to.
There are times when I've wondered why he hasn't tried to find a more charismatic co-author. He jokes that "Stephen King has wax in his ears." Then he says in all due seriousness that most mediums just try to send him to the light when he isn't ready and that while there are others who can hear him and would be willing to listen (and listen raptly and worshipfully to boot) that prolonged/repeated contact with him would actually screw them up worse than they already are and he won't be responsible for that. (What a shock--I'm not the biggest mess on the planet after all!)
He's frustrated too but the idea of posthumous fame doesn't bother him as much as it does me. Because, to quote, "In my case, what other kind is there?"
And that's a big reason why I like working with him. The wry wit sets very well with me.
Lily and the Spectral Friend
Posted by Unknown at 10/20/2007 05:12:00 AM 5 comments
Labels: discouragement, mental health, spirit communication
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Posted by Unknown at 10/18/2007 02:18:00 AM 3 comments
Labels: being broke sucks, curmudgeon commentary, snarky bytes
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
The Nitty Gritty
Posted by Unknown at 10/17/2007 02:58:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 15, 2007
Psychic Markers
Posted by Unknown at 10/15/2007 10:29:00 PM 2 comments
Labels: spirit doorways
Saturday, October 13, 2007
I just spent $22 to send books to 3 people who requested them for the purpose of reviewing them. A couple of things. I never, ever, ever read reviews of my work. I could get nine good reviews and the tenth one, which was bad, would stick with me and have me in a shit mood for three months. This doesn't just happen to me, the fucked up in the head chick though. It happens to people like Stephen King too. King says that he quit reading reviews of his books when his wife semi-jokingly threatened to divorce him because he'd be in a foul mood for weeks after reading a bad one. I really don't need to put my long-suffering family through a protracted period of shit mood.
Still, I have to respond to requests for the book to be reviewed because there's not such thing as bad publicity. The damn reviews garner sales. At least they better. I'm beyond broke and I have to somehow pull the money out of my ass to purchase more copies. An author gets a select number of copies when they publish. Above and beyond that we have to buy 'em too. Yeah, I get them wholesale, but that still ain't cheap, especially since I have to order a minimum of 10.
I'm having one of those times when I hate myself for not being a normal person who actually wants to be in some nice profession like nursing. I've tried to change. I've tried to work 9-5. I've tried to deny that the only thing that I'm actually adept at is writing.
Right now the thought of joining my co-author seems like a good one. And despite the fact that he could easily stomp a mudhole in my undead ass once I got over there I don't really even care. It boils down to not wanting my son to find me kacked and the fact that if he's going to succeed in his final year of high school he doesn't need the fact that his shithead bipolar mom killed herself on his head. So I remain--if for no other reason than to piss all the normals off.
I'm definitely in a fuck the world mood. If it wouldn't make things worse I'd get absolutely shitfaced blind stumbling drunk. But that wouldn't change anything either.
I kind of hope I'm never normal. I really wouldn't know what the fuck to do if I was and I'd probably be miserable because I couldn't recognize myself. Guess us nutwads just can't win.
Hope you're doing better than me.
Posted by Unknown at 10/13/2007 12:11:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 12, 2007
Life Insurance Prejudice
It is time that suicide is recognized as an extension of a true sickness and not to see the sufferer as any worse than a person afflicted with a physical sickness. Survivors of those who commit suicide deserve to be paid death benefits just as much as survivors of a person who dies of cancer or in an accident. Why should the family be punished?
Of course I acknowledge that insurance companies are heartless, money-grubbing entities. But when society as a whole changes its point of view, they may be forced to change their policies.
Suicide is a reaction to a very real problem. Mental illness is real, not a choice that people make. We cannot stop fighting to end the stigma.
Blessed be,
Posted by Unknown at 10/12/2007 02:19:00 AM 2 comments
Labels: stigma
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Too Tired To Spell
Posted by Unknown at 10/09/2007 12:35:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: spells
Monday, October 8, 2007
And then this Pearl of Wisdom Graced My Blog: Part 2
"People want "magic"." Magic is the sign of evil, for the gods are employing their powers to hurt the disfavored. "Magic" is the only difference between this way and the Situation going corporate, and this "magic" woudl have enhanced their tactics.
When they employ magic the gods get something out of it. That's how it works. The total absence of magic says something very, very positive about me and the Final Prophet event.
It was magic that led people into homosexuality, promiscuity, addiction, degeneracy.
They say I will be discounted because these geographic clues (penis, boot, Beast) symbolize evil.
There is a geographic clue I have yet to address::The Man in the Moon.
Lake Michigan clue symbolizes "big balls", and this clue is metaphoric for EXPOSING EVIL THAT IS GOD.
Of the geographic clues I know of the Great Lakes clues are the only ones that are good (umbrella which favors Michigan. Sadly, much like with M&A, good may have been eliminated as the 20th century wore on.).
If they want recovering relations with Lake Michigan they will turn over ALL placements in my Situaiton, real or telepathic, fulfilled or unrealized.
I AM Horrible.
I got a lot of anger to work out.
My errant acts cause evil to befall the disfavored.
They sent someone special back.
They've said for years::::"Either way you're going to do the wrong thing." And it is because this is all true:::Either I contribute KNOWINGLY and be used by the gods to put forth this perception of "savior" to the disfavored or I bail out and take three hots and a cot.
I told you:::Be god-fearing. Just like all their tools they want me to sign on and be used for evil just as they've done with presidents, celebrities, athletes and the corporate elite.
They forced this role on me, and it goes as far back as the 70s with my #1 hit song.
39 years defines the "long run".
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, fuck you god.
Moral inferior. Don't you have children to light on fire?
Posted by Unknown at 10/08/2007 01:07:00 AM 2 comments
Labels: lunatic prophets of doom
Saturday, October 6, 2007
And then this pearl of wisdom graced my blog...part 1
Anonymous said...
If you knew the truth you would have great urgency.
Stop thinking wrong:::Children claimed by disease prior to innoculations may really be dead.
Come on, people, Jesus says "get your innoculations and be saved! A-men, hallelujiah, praise the Department of Disease Control!"
No immortality, no reincarnation. This may be the price of being disfavored.
This tactic of "fairness", savoir and Christian god-based hope is fucking you up.
Um...gee, this couldn't be Spam, could it? After all, this nit obviously hasn't read a word I've written. I've never identified myself as a Christian. The only Christians that would open their arms to me are Gnostic Christians and Esoteric Christians and they're considered fringe groups by mainstream bible thumpin' Christians. Most of the bible thumpin' kind believe in a rather judgmental and wrathful God, not a merciful one. So I sure as fuck don't know where the all knowing Anonymous got the idea that I adhere to some sort of Christian god-based hope. Let's pretend for just a minute that they aren't a troll or otherwise a complete crackpot.
Life is a test. Only those worthy will ascend. Contradictions have been manufactured (1906), suggesting temptation, corrupting people and compelling them to think wrong.
Well, as long as this has only been going on since 1906, I guess that we're only a century's worth of fucked.
The other planets are exclusive places. They don't bring most people.
As far as I know, no people have come from the other planets. But then again, watch Mars Attacks. That film wasn't a comedy, it was gospel truth. Swear!
You have to earn it. Nobody is going to save you. Nobody is going to do it for you. You have to save yourself.
If you knew the truth you would have great urgency.
Well, since you put it that way, Anonymous, I'm most certainly going to listen, and I advise everyone else to do the same. Listen up, People! Pay no attention to the fact that the bipolar woman who talks to ghosts hopes that this individual gets on medication soon. They obviously know something that the rest of us don't. From what I've seen so far, it would be that God is loony toons if he has someone like this for his prophet. But stay tuned...there's more...much more!
Posted by Unknown at 10/06/2007 03:10:00 AM 4 comments
Labels: lunatic prophets of doom
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Spellwork and Depression
Posted by Unknown at 10/04/2007 02:35:00 AM 2 comments
Labels: magick and mental illness, prayer, universal energy
Monday, October 1, 2007
Reading for Donna
"I would love to have you do a reading for me. Please post it on your blog as an example to others if you decide to do the reading.
I am finishing up grad school soon and will be, hopefully, working after that. It would be very interesting to me to see what the cards have to say about my past, present, and future!
Thank you :)"
Posted by Unknown at 10/01/2007 12:33:00 AM 2 comments
Labels: readings
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Reading Example
I appreciate my friend allowing me to use this reading as an example.
> The ace of cauldrons represents achieving peace of mind through spiritual understanding. Pursuing spiritual learning and doing meditation will be particularly helpful at this time.
> The three of pentacles represents your working life and achievements, which you were very proud of. Adjusting to the difficulties that terminated this life are very difficult and this often causes you to be unable to see your true worth. Yet the six of rods indicates your triumph over the attitude of self-defeat more and more often. You have a lot to teach others and are a
great, positive influence, more than you can imagine.
>The eight of rods indicates a time of blessings. I feel they will be small in nature but the cumulative effect will be very positive for your sense of well being and happiness. This time will last for approximately six months.
> The eight of swords again echoes how trapped you feel by your situation and your condition. Yet the three of cups indicates a multitude of persons who have good will towards you and will do whatever they can to help support you. The three of swords indicates a powerful depressive internal atmosphere. The thing that will get you through this is to draw upon the energies expressed in the Emperor card. The most beneficial assistance at this time is to be found in masculine energies. If your physician is male, pay particular attention to his advice at this time. Also seek assistance from God energies, by calling upon male deities for strength or by tapping into the masculine energies in your own soul, as all souls have both male and female polarities.
> The next several months are also beneficial for brainstorming, writing down ideas and beginning projects. The time is not yet right for working on details or finalizing projects that you have begun. The key words are inspiration and energy as opposed to formation and solidification.
> Though the Tarot is my favorite tool for divination, it often seems very heavy-handed. This is why I also like to give a clarification reading from a deck that has a lighter energy. In this case, the Mermaids and Dolphins deck by Doreen Virtue.
> The first card, representing the past, cautions to watch your thoughts. The reason for this, of course, is that thoughts have energy. Of course it's impossible to always have positive thoughts. Fear based thoughts will creep in. The key is to acknowledge that you are having the thought, but negate its energy by telling it, either internally or aloud, that you will not allow it to have power over you. Positive affirmations and prayers can be helpful in negating the negative energy of obsessive thoughts. If possible, replace the negative thought with an opposing positive affirmation. With recurring obsessive thoughts it is sometimes necessary to ignore rather than acknowledge them, simply acknowledging that the thought is the product of
obsession rather than reality.
> The card in the present position is the healing heart. This card calls upon you to acknowledge your positive affect on others and your healing energies. There is again a caution to cultivate positive thoughts as much as possible. If you wish, call on angels or deities to direct you to use this energy tobest help yourself and others.
> The third card represents the future influence. It is self employment. Going back to the Emperor card, it might be a good time to investigate possibilities for legitimate businesses that could be done online rather than requiring a physical presence at a job. I have no stake in this because I wouldn't get any kick-back if you signed up. I haven't signed up yet either, it's just something I was looking into this morning. A business of this nature might be appealing.
(Note: I now have some stake in enticing people to sign up for this business but at the time I didn't. Check out Cie's distributor web page.)
> My energy is kind of tapped by now (after about 45 minutes, my ability to hone in and be accurate starts to fade) but if you'd like, I can do another reading to investigate this further!
Readings are $50 and take approximately 1 hour to complete. Click here to request a reading. Great care is taken in interpreting the impressions received from the cards to best advise the questioner. Readings can be obtained for free if you purchase copy of the book or if you agree to have the results posted on this blog as an example. Don't worry, I won't use your real name!
Posted by Unknown at 9/23/2007 01:21:00 PM 3 comments
Labels: readings
Friday, September 21, 2007
Ten Bucks to WHO
Posted by Unknown at 9/21/2007 01:03:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: donations
Sunday, September 16, 2007
All Work and No Play
A lot of things are changing, being rearranged. I am not one of those people that deals well with change. Even positive change is very stressful to me. I need to step back and analyze what I'm doing and what needs to be done.
I hope that what I say here will perhaps help someone, even if only to know they are not alone.
Posted by Unknown at 9/16/2007 01:20:00 PM 2 comments
Labels: bipolar disorder, change, depression, resisting change, suicide ideation
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Hallucination vs. Communication
Posted by Unknown at 9/09/2007 05:32:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: brain chemistry, elementals, hallucinations, mental illness, spirit communication
Monday, September 3, 2007
Fashion Disaster
Posted by Unknown at 9/03/2007 04:37:00 AM 2 comments
Labels: bipolar disorder, Fashion disaster, personal pain, stupid people
Friday, August 31, 2007
Funny Nightmares
I've suffered from nightmares all of my life. I also call them "brain sweats." Dreams take various forms. Nightmares are often the psyche's way of bringing buried crap to the surface.
Posted by Unknown at 8/31/2007 05:00:00 AM 2 comments
Labels: bad movies, dreams, good stories
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
The system I use for myself much of the time is the Karma Cards system by Monte Farber. It's simple to use and difficult to misinterpret.
The reading works like this. Shuffle and draw from the Planets, Signs and Houses decks. If you want to know the outcome of a situation, read the sentences printed in blue. If you want to know what action to take, read the sentences printed in red. I look at both.
There are three sections. The S represents the spiritual, or what is best for the nurturing of your soul. The M is mental, or what is best for the nurturing of your intellect. The P is physical, or what is best for the nurturing of your body.
Here is my reading for the day.
Planets: Mercury
Signs: Taurus
Houses: First
Spiritual: Communicate your beliefs immediately
Mental: Analyze the costs of the way you protect yourself
Physical: Let your mind tell you how to use the most direct way and do it on your own.
Spiritual: The awareness of resources to maintain who you are
Mental: Many thoughts about or from the practicality of your desires
Physical: Many words resulting from the productivity of your actions
One of my issues is maintaining a sense of individuality while trying to promote this book. I don't want to exploit my partner (the ghost writer) in order to promote the book, and I am not attempting to gain notoriety. I want to share what I feel this story has to offer, not just hype it to make a quick sale. I agonize over the thin line between hype and promotion. I am not a competitive person. I have no need to try and "de-throne" Stephen King or outsell J.K. Rowling. I have no need to be the "greatest horror novelist ever." While I hope to achieve plenty of sales, to open people's minds and to get a lot of money for my cause, I don't care about people saying "Lily Strange is the greatest author ever." I'm fine with people saying "Lily Strange is a pretty good writer." And I hope they'll say "you have to read this book!"
I'm willing to hype a little bit to sell the book. But I'm not willing to lie and I'm not willing to exploit my co-author, who had a very tough life. I think that one of the reasons he befriended me is because he trusted me not to exploit him. He may look intimidating physically, and he may have tried to act tough in life but he's actually quite fragile emotionally. And while he does want to tell his story, he's been a bit uncertain about revealing himself though he knows its the only way. I certainly know how he feels! I'm a very private person in real life and exposing this (controversial) part of my personality is difficult for me.
So while self-promotion goes against my nature, it comes down to the fact that I have to do it. But I also have to stand firm about maintaining my integrity. This reading addresses that. And that's why its important to use these tools to check in with the esoteric forces.
Remember, if you want me to do a reading for you I can do a private one for $25 or I can do the reading and publish the results here, free of charge. I will not reveal your identity. Your privacy and my integrity are both of the utmost concern to me.
Best wishes,
Posted by Unknown at 8/29/2007 03:25:00 PM 5 comments
Labels: divination
Hindu Deity of the Day: Kama Deva
Here is a statue of Kama Deva and his wife Rati, the Goddess of sexual desire. This statue can be purchased from Trade Express.
Kama Deva is the Hindu god of love. He is said to be the son of Lakshmi and Vishnu. Like Eros/Cupid he carries a bow and shoots arrows to cause people to fall in love.
Call on Kama Deva not only to inspire desire in someone who has captured your attentions, but also to help in an existing relationship that the spark may have gone out of, or to heal sexual dysfunctions.
Here is a good descriptive page with a story about Kama Deva
Posted by Unknown at 8/29/2007 03:00:00 PM 0 comments